"If you want to be happy, be."

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sick in my body, soothing on the mind

I finally got struck by illness from the lack of rest/water and working too hard. When bad throat and flu comes together, it's just the worst! But I'm still rather cheery from certain events of late. You know, those small little things that makes you smile? Not just in the heart, but really the ones that makes you look silly because you'll be grinning to yourself like an idiot. :D

Also, hard work pays off. Keep pursuing! (In most aspects it should work, but of course there are exceptions.)

I manage to get up today, head to the gym for some static and yoga. It's quite therapeutic really. And at home I had relatives over, ate a hearty dinner (my fav youmian). Yep I also gave in to a piece of KFC chicken in the end. Which was super awesome by the way. So much for wanting to recover from my cough quickly. But I did spam at least 5 rounds of hot water on a single tea bag afterwards. I'm that thrifty/lazy. Practised some basic guitar chords, help my little cousin with her homework. There was this particular P6 math question which was insanely difficult. Even my smartypanty friends couldn't enlighten me. Ridiculous! We're convinced that there was a flaw and that the question is impossible to solve without complex algebra.

I now have a brand new iPod nano (in red too! Whoopeedooo!) with engravings that say "Think less, feel more" in an attempt to go against my Think More Feel Less mentality.

No prize for guessing who it's from. But many many thanks for it! :)

Another week to battle! Good night secret stalkers.