So I manage to win the Muppets show tickets from Nuffnang. Its amazing how simple they made it for us to win free movie tickets. Awesome! Thank you!
Caught it with Adam as usual and it was so amusing! :D Although I personally feel that they are kinda ugly. But still, loved the show! I think I like Fuzzie Bear now, or the hen. Haha! I can't remember the last person other than Adam that I watched a movie with. -_-
Over the past weeks, I hung out with poly friends, uni friends, Adam, or myself (& Modern Family show :D) I'm quite the addict right now. I can watch shows all the way till 6am, and then sleep till 2 plus. I find myself napping at least 2 times a day which is really baaaaaad. I hope something comes along soon enough.
And guess what! I got fined $150 for speeding and 6 demerit points. Received the letter from Traffic Police, dammit! Just isn't my year! Every month I will have some bad luck that involves money. But I also have random money/job popping out to save my sorry ass all the time. So I guess there is always a balance. God is fair. No, I didn't borrow these money from people. They just come. Somehow.
I'm currently done with the latest episodes for Desperate housewives and Vampire Diaries. Catching up on HIMYM and Modern family! :D Hoping to complete more sooooooooon! And you wouldn't believe the amount of games in my ipad. I treat them like babies, caring for them all the time. Life of a jobless.
Kayyyyyyyyy, gotta run. Tomorrow going JB for good food and massage!!! I wanna hunt for A&W also!
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